Roland Andika

Selasa, 22 November 2011


          Koalas are animals that become the favourites of many people. Koalas look like teddy bears and sometimes called teddies,but koalas are not bears. Koalas are like kangaroos, they are marsupials.

          Koalas usually live in Australia. The koalas that live in southeastern Ausrtralia are larger than those that live in northeastern Australia. They also have thicker darker fur. The southeastern koalas range from 9 until 14 kilograms, while the northeastern ones about 6 until 7 kilograms. One of the things that make koalas so special that they so highly adapted to their habitat. The only place that they live is in sub trpical and temperate forests and they live only in eucalyptus tree forests.

          For koalas, life is all about leaves. Adult koalas can eat about 1000 eucalyptus leaves everyday. Koalas even get their water from the leaves, so they hardly even need to drink. The names koalas may come from a word that means "never drink".

          Unfortunately, life is not always easy for koalas. They have few natural predators. Owls, eagles, dingoes, and pythons sometimes prey an young koalas. Koalas worst enemies by for have been humans. The biggest problem, koalas that they are losing their habitats. 

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